Wagle Ki Duniya is now stepping into a new era with an intriguing and unique storyline that promises to keep viewers hooked. The show’s lead character Rajesh Wagle, played by the brilliant Sumeet Raghvan, is about to gain a superpower — the ability to see into the future. This newfound power adds a new dynamic to the show, where new experiences unfold given Rajesh’s extraordinary gift. The recently launched promo has sparked anticipation among fans, featuring the nostalgic tune of “Kal Kya Hoga Kisko Pata.” With Rajesh confidently declaring, “Mujhe Pata Hai!”, it leaves audiences eager to discover how this remarkable ability will shape his journey and the show’s narrative.
The promo raises the compelling question of how Rajesh will use this newfound power. Will he be able to change destiny and use this ability for the greater good, or will this gift bring unexpected challenges?
Sumeet Raghvan, who essays the role of Rajesh Wagle, said, "Rajesh Wagle is a character that truly embodies the essence of the everyday person, making him highly relatable to our viewers. While Rajesh’s ability to glimpse into the future brings extraordinary potential, it also carries significant responsibility. As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. He’ll encounter various challenges, but what makes him relatable is his commitment to navigating these obstacles while staying true to his core values. Plus, it’s thrilling to see how he might use this newfound power to influence the world around him positively. This arc promises not only to entertain but also to provoke thoughtful reflection, and I can’t wait for the audience to experience it."
Tune in to watch Wagle Ki Duniya - Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey on Sony SAB from Monday to Saturday at 9 PM