Ho Sakta Hai is not an attempt to prove whether black magic or voodoo is effective or not but it uncovers shocking facts. It is a direct address to our fear, believe it or not!
A phone call makes Mohan (Khalid) start from the American Institute of Medical Studies, US to meet his Dadaji (Victor Banerjee) in a small village of India, Khetwadi.
The journey leads him to encounter Kushaba (Mukesh Tiwari) a villager and a strange woman Parvati (Mohini) who practices black magic. Mohan realizes that his brother and sister-in-law are missing and their son Tanya possessed by unknown forces.
Convinced that black magic is working on Tanya, Mohan is now cornered and left with only one option – to believe in what exists!
The film is produced by Ashok K. Kotwani and have story, screenplay and direction by Wilson
Winner of the Seagate Awards for technical brilliance for his first short film 6 x 4, Ho Sakta Hai is his first feature film. Heading Maya Entertainments Vfx Division Wilson has more than 25 Hindi feature films as a Vfx producer to his credit.