
Miss Kentucky

Home > Miss Miss America 2007 > Miss Kentucky

Rachelle Phillips

What is your hometown like?
Princeton is a small, historical town with a low crime rate. Our town is full of church goers.

What were you like when you were a child?
I was a huge tomboy. I made mud pies and hardly wore matching clothes. My, how I have changed!

Who is the most influential person in your life?
My parents. I view them as one. Their example inspires me to lead a good, Christian life and to do what I can to help others.

What is one thing about you that people you meet may not immediately realize?
Most people would not guess that I am a published author, but I am.

What was one defining moment in your life?
Overcoming my reading difficulty and becoming an honor student.

What was one defining moment in your life?
Always stay true to who I am.

What was one defining moment in your life?
As the new national spokesperson for Reading Is Fundamental, I will continue traveling and speaking to teachers, parents and students on the importance of literacy and existing literacy programs. The issues of literacy must be challenged in all communities across our nation. Therefore, I will rally literacy volunteers and encourage civic leaders to establish community reading centers.
