
Miss Albania

Home > Miss Miss World 2004 > Miss Albania

Agnese Vuthaj


Occupation: Student

Height: 175

Agnese has just finished High School and is newly registered as a student of political sciences at Prishtina University & Academy of Fine Arts. It is her intention to be a diplomat, especially in charge of cultural affairs, and in time start her own TV programme on the national channel. Agnese is a co-ordinator for the organisation of conferences on the UN model, this has been certified as "The value based leadership programme" and Friendship without Boarders". Hobby/sports interest include: music, literature, foreign policy, travel, basket ball and dance.

Where did you grow up? Tell us a little about your home town/city, and family.
I grew up in a little village near Prishtina, with prairies and a river passing nearby. My childhood is the most beautiful part of my life, and it always looked like I was living in the dream world, with the characters of Andersen tales. We still have our little house there where I always like to return.

What Jobs have you done? What was the most interesting/bizarre?
Though I just started my University career, I started working relatively early in my life. I am an activist of Red Cross and we assist poor families and homeless children. I am also coordinator of UN Model conferences and been certified "an upcoming leader" in the "value based leadership programme".

What are your career ambitions, how do you plan to realise them?
My career ambition is to become a future diplomat and commit myself to cultural achievements by making my country’s ancient tradition and history known and appreciated all over the world. I intend to realise this by studying hard and become a graduate in Political Sciences and Diplomacy at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prishtina, where I am actually studying. In the meantime I read whatever comes to my hands to enlarge my knowledge on the fields as much as I can. As they say "Where there is a will there is a way"

My second ambition is to start my own programme on the local national channel.

What is the proudest moment of your life? (Not including winning your National Title)
Of course my proudest moment not only in my present life, but what seems to be my all life pride goes back to those days in the post war Kosovo, when day and night one and my friends and I did our best to find food, shelter and consoling and comforting words for the thousands of homeless, run-down people. Those images will live with me as long as I live.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
My most embarrassing moment is that since the 2004 title I have become the talk of the town and it feel so disconcerting.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
Nothing has changed deep inside me, but people think a lot has changed. As a matter of fact, everybody keeps asking questions and I feel more responsible to give the best answer. I feel I must deserve their trust. Responsibility, I think, is what I feel is a conscious-growing change for the better.

Tell us about an interesting event you have attended, or a person that you have met.
My most interesting experience was to be on TV and to be interviewed. There I met well-known TV and film directors I had always adored in my teen years.

What would you like to do, if you became Miss World 2004?
I will keep my fingers crossed to make a dream come true. I’d engage myself with charity and definitely follow Mother Theresa’s deed and mission. The money would be spent wholeheartedly to better and bring hope and life to those most in need.

If you had a personal motto what would it be?
"Where there is a will, there is a way" and "Are longis, vita brevis" the Latin saying which means the "Life is too short for those who want to produce cultural blessings." And I intend and I am committed to do this with my life.

Give details of any charitable work undertaken?
Since 2002 I have been a volunteer activist for the Red Cross and we undertake charitable activities with poor families, sick and homeless children. This is mainly what I do at my leisure times and which appeases both my soul and heart. I cannot imagine my life detached from those in need.


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