Good Morning SMS

  • Relationships cannot be made with moods and conditions. 
They are maintained by feelings.<br/>
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    Relationships cannot be made with moods and conditions. They are maintained by feelings.
    Good Morning!
  • The journey of life starts with a bag full of luck & An empty bag of experience, The goal is to fill the bag with experience before the bag of luck gets empty.<br/>
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    The journey of life starts with a bag full of luck & An empty bag of experience, The goal is to fill the bag with experience before the bag of luck gets empty.
    Good Morning!
  • Perfect definition of friendship and relationship.<br/>
It is not about treating a beautiful person affectionately, but treating an affectionate person beautifully.<br/>
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    Perfect definition of friendship and relationship.
    It is not about treating a beautiful person affectionately, but treating an affectionate person beautifully.
    Good Morning!
  • One of the best gifts you can give someone is thanking them for being part of your life.<br/>
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    One of the best gifts you can give someone is thanking them for being part of your life.
    Good Morning!
  • A Tree, that wants to touch the sky must extend roots into earth.<br/>
More it wants to rise upward, more it has to go downwards.<br/>
So, to rise in life, we must be down to the earth.<br/>
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    A Tree, that wants to touch the sky must extend roots into earth.
    More it wants to rise upward, more it has to go downwards.
    So, to rise in life, we must be down to the earth.
    Good Morning!
  • One day a man asked, `God what is the difference between your love and our love?`<br/>
God smiled and said, `A bird in the sky is my love and a bird in a cage is your love.`<br/>
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    One day a man asked, "God what is the difference between your love and our love?"
    God smiled and said, "A bird in the sky is my love and a bird in a cage is your love."
    Good Morning!
  • A gardener may water the plant daily but fruits grow only in the season.<br/>
Have patience, everything is destined to happen at its own time.<br/>
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    A gardener may water the plant daily but fruits grow only in the season.
    Have patience, everything is destined to happen at its own time.
    Good Morning!
  • Strong people make just as many mistakes as weak ones do. But the difference is 'The strong ones admit their mistakes, laugh about it and learn from it'. <br/>
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    Strong people make just as many mistakes as weak ones do. But the difference is 'The strong ones admit their mistakes, laugh about it and learn from it'.
    Good Morning!
  • Your mind is a magnet... <br/>
If you think of blessings, you attract blessings;<br/>
And if you think of problems, you attract problems.<br/>
Always cultivate good thoughts and always remain positive and optimistic.<br/>
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    Your mind is a magnet...
    If you think of blessings, you attract blessings;
    And if you think of problems, you attract problems.
    Always cultivate good thoughts and always remain positive and optimistic.
    Good Morning!
  • Even though you have not conquered the battles of the world, you become the world-conqueror when you have conquered your mind.<br/>
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    Even though you have not conquered the battles of the world, you become the world-conqueror when you have conquered your mind.
    Good Morning!