I went to the store to buy 6 cans of Sprite. It's only when I got home I realised I picked 7-up! |
The chocolate box said 500 gms then how did I put on 2 kgs! |
Killer whales weigh 7 tons and can jump 15 feet in the air and I groan when I stand up from the couch! |
I wish I could lose weight as easy as I lose my keys, pen, cell phone, my temper and even my mind! |
Every time I lose some weight. I find it again in the refrigerator! |
What did I learn today? Losing weight while eating donuts is easy if you only eat the hole! |
For those needing motivation: The past tense of fit is fat! |
With every passing hour, you are one hour closer to your next food! |
Egg + Mayo = Egg Salad Potato + Mayo = Potato Salad Chicken + Mayo = Chicken Salad Math proves mayo magically turns any food into salad! |
I go to the gym religiously and by religiously I mean only on holidays and just to please my parents! |