
  • Practice safe eating - always use condiments.
  • Workers who roll up their sleeves seldom lose their shirt.
  • Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others!
  • Watch too many reality shows and your life becomes fictitious.
  • Bore: Someone with a different hobby than hours.
  • Forty - The age when a woman stops patting herself on the back and begins under the chin.
  • Dentist - A person who finds work for his own teeth by taking out those of others!
  • When you bend the truth, don't try to torque your way out of it.Upload to Facebook
    When you bend the truth, don't try to torque your way out of it.
  • Unemployed teachers have no class.Upload to Facebook
    Unemployed teachers have no class.
  • Today's tip would have bought the meal 5 years ago.Upload to Facebook
    Today's tip would have bought the meal 5 years ago.