Marriage teaches you loyalty, patience, understanding... And how to sleep on the edge of the bed! |
Police: Why did you call 100? Santa: My wife went shopping and hasn't returned. Police: That's not an emergency. Santa: It is! She had my credit card! |
If you want to get married, marry your own girlfriend... Otherwise, your family will find someone else's girlfriend for you! |
Husband: Why are you always on your phone? Wife: Because it's the only way I can get intelligent conversation around here! |
Wife: I have a bag full of used clothing I'd like to donate. Husband: Why not just throw it in the trash? That's much easier. Wife: But there are poor starving people who can really use all these clothes. Husband: Honey, anyone who fits into your clothing is not starving! |
They say wives don't accept their mistakes. My wife accepts her mistake daily by saying, "I have made a big mistake by marrying you!" |
According to statistics, girls tend to find a guy like their father. That's why their mothers cry at their daughters' weddings! |
Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of them never remembers birthdays and the other never forgets them! |
In a Church: Man: Father, all day I hear a voice telling me what to do. Am I possessed by the devil? Father: No son, you are married! |
My wife asked me why I was doing the dishes while sitting down. Told her it's because I can't stand doing it! |