Megastar Amitabh Bachchan looked back in time and reminisced about the journey of his film "Anand", in which he featured alongside Rajesh Khanna and Sumita Sanyal, 45 years ago.
He said that the 1971 film reflected upon the "glory of the superstar Rajesh Khanna". The film, which narrated story of a terminally ill man, who wishes to live life to the full before he dies, as told by his best friend, clocked 45 years of its existence on March 5.
He tweeted: "Its 45 years of 'Anand'! Amazement to be in it... in the reflected glory of the superstar Rajesh Khanna."
The "Paa" star also took to his blog to express his views. He posted: "And 45 years of 'Anand'! An incredible journey... A journey of finding self, of finding others, of learning craft, of witnessing the tornado's of adulation for your co star, of anxious waiting for the result... Of that midnight meeting in the middle of the road on release and Gulzar's words of encouragement... So much has passed and so many have gone by."
Tuesday, March 08, 2016 12:03 IST