Javed Akhtar, Bollywood's renowned lyricist and story-writer is the new judge in the panel of Indian Idol 3, responsible for choosing the voice of the nation.
of his tight schedule, he says, he is a late entrant in the jury, but promises to complete this huge task. He says he is really happy to be associated so with budding young
Their effort, their confidence, their nervousness is something "worth watching." When asked about the quality of the show, he replies, "The program is good
and the talent that is pouring in, is also fantastic."
This is Akhtar's second reality show after Fame Gurukul. So, what does he think are the differences between these two ‘much talked about' TV shows? "No, I really do not
think, there is any difference between these two", he exclaims.
Akhtar tells us about the qualities that a singer should posses in order to become the next Indian Idol. Apart from singing abilities the person, should have the ability to
perform, since it will be a televised show.
"After all they will also have to perform on the stage, so quality of dance and expressions become very important. If the
singer wants to do only play-back singing, then it is not too important, since their voice can only be heard. But to win the show, one has to perform well", Javed asserts.
Other than this, the person should have a good personality, presentation, posture and body language. He also emphasizes on pronunciation. "It is something, very
necessary for every singer and actor. The moment the pronunciation is wrong, the essence of the song fades away", he adds.
This time too, he will not only
criticize, but also help the contestants with their talaffuz. So, who is going to win this year's title? "One who has the combination of sur, taal, andaaz, awaz, kashish and one
who has the enthusiasm to win", he replies.
Controversies have often marred some of these reality shows. We have witnessed quarrels among judges. May be these are all scripted, to boost TRP's. But Javed doesn't
think so. "Where ever I have worked, there was nothing scripted. We used to give our spontaneous views", he emphasizes
"Earlier when there was no talent hunt, then the singers struggled on their own to make their mark. They had wasted so much time going door to door. The time could have
been dedicated to music instead. That is the most difficult part of struggling.
Here we give them an exposure so that they can prove their worth. We are only trying
to help the talented singers to come up. So, their struggling period is cut off", he explains.
Adds the veteran, "But they have got through, or got to the platform also through struggle. Most of the participants come from far off places, go through auditions, them
undergo so much training that it is almost like a struggle. Although, Indian Idol is providing them the platform, but they have to showcase their talent to the world. It is up to
them, to take it further for themselves".
The first Indian Idol was launched a few years back, but the singers haven't made too much of a mark. So it seems, they still need some time to establish themselves in the
"May be or may be not. Life is unpredictable. We can never say what will happen next. But the point is that at least we know them and their talent. That is
why we are sitting here and talking about them", he retorts.
History shows that there have been instances that talented singers have been eliminated due to the lack of votes. People feel that there must be a change or alternative in
the SMS voting system while choosing the favorite candidates. But Javed feels about the issue differently.
According to him talent can not be eliminated. Even if it
is eliminated from this show, it will re- surface from some where or the other. Like a river keeps flowing, in spite of many obstacles in its way, the same way talent keeps
flowing. "Good talent always finds its way through", he says.
Many feel that in Fame Gurukul, there were much better singers on that stage who deserved to be the winner. But Qazi Touqeer became the winner.When quizzed about
this Akhtar says, "Although he could not sing very well, there was a tremendous charm and charisma around him.
Even when ever he came on stage he charmed
every one and won by huge margins. The whole nation was supporting him. We had eliminated him 13 times; but he always came back with overwhelming number of votes.
There is something very winsome about him", he exclaims.
So who does he idolize in his life? "I idolized many people. In fact a lot of people, so I did not obtain or follow the quality of any one person,be it, for writing, poetry or music",
he replies. This time since he is in the jury, will the Indian Idol 3" be truly the voice of the nation?
"Yes, we all expect to see real talents coming out of the crowd
because the program aims to find a singer who will craze the world. I also want it to be so. It will only benefit us. We will try to find out someone who can make the nation
proud", he promises as he signs off.
- Mili S (SAMPURN)
Thursday, April 05, 2007 13:58 IST