Tele-actors Juhi Parmar and Sachin Shroff have announced their wedding plans to be held next year. The couple has been dating for the last couple of months and will be soon finalizing the wedding date. Undoubtedly both are excited to get into the other and final phase of their relationship.
While high-profile filmy couples like Salman Khan-Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan-Karisma Kapoor (now Kapur) (among hordes of others) have failed to sail through the stormy seas, TV couples like Hiten-Gauri, Manav Gohil-Shweta Khwatra, Mihir Mishra-Maninee De have actually sailed the love of sea and enjoying a successful married life.
So, whoever says that TV is all about teaching people plotting, planning and creating rifts between husband and wife, saas and bahu, couldn't be more wrong?
We wish Juhi and Sachin a great and happy future ahead!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 10:11 IST