Dasvidaniya was slated for release this Friday (November 7), but the makers have decided to shift the film ahead by one week. It will now arrive on November 14.
"We took this decision (of shifting ahead)
the day GOLMAAL RETURNS and Fashion released. With the kind of strong opening the two films fetched, we knew that the respective distributors (Studio 18, UTV) wouldn't be ready to let go of multiplexes next
Also, there's EMI and also QUANTUM OF SOLACE coming up next. So why ruin the prospects of Dasvidaniya?" Riaz Hyder, Project Chief of One More Thought Entertainment P. Ltd. (makers of
Dasvidaniya) says.
But is it wise to come in the same week as DOSTANA? "By then a lot of theatres would be free; the only opposition would be DOSTANA. Hence, November 14 is a more appropriate date for Dasvidaniya, " Riaz
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 12:49 IST