Debutant director Kunaal Roy Kapur is in a fix. His first feature film The President Is Coming is about a bunch of young Indian achievers played by Konkona Sen-Sharma, Ira Dubey, Namit Das, Anand Tiwari, Satchik
Puranik, and Vivek Gomber who decide to meet 'President' George Bush when he visits India.
There's just one problem. Bush is no more the President of the US. So is Roy Kapur going to change the face and name of the President from Bush to Obama?
"No such things, " laughs Kapur who has earlier directed the same plot on stage many over. "The film is not so much about Bush. It's about what he represents in the minds of people. Now that the president is going,
my president is coming. This is my farewell gift to George Bush."
The film has been directed on stage with the same cast, barring Kokona who jumps into the satire for the movie version.
This is all very well. But how would it look when the characters keep referring to 'President' Bush?
Rumours have it that all Bush-related jokes on the visual media now have to be converted in keeping with the
changed scenario at the White House. How would it look when Koko (Konkona) & Co make a beeline to meet the visiting 'President' Bush?
"It won't be that difficult, " the debutant director sounds surer than he should be. "For one the film is set in 1996. Then, as I said, George Bush is more a state of mind than a person in my film.
We never see
him on screen the way we did in Apoorva Lakhia's Mission Istaanbul. I don't have an actor impersonating Bush the way Mission Istaanbul did. Let's put it this way. George Bush is an idea rather than a living person in
my film.
Not that we don't show him in the film.And besides Bush would still be in power until he January, wouldn't he?"
All this sounds rather contradictory and uncertain.
But the debutant director sounds confident. "I've done the same story on stage and it is an unqualified success.
The man who wrote Manish Acharya's The Loins Of Punjab Presents.... Anubhav Pal wrote The
President Is Coming. It's more about the fixation we in this country have on international celebrities than a comment on global politics."
Yeah right. But post-elections how much of a celebrity is George Bush?
Thursday, November 20, 2008 11:25 IST