Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who has been given a one-year prison sentence by a court here for poaching an endangered chinkara, Friday posted a bail bond and surety
worth Rs.100,000 in connection with the case.
"Salman personally appeared in the court of the chief judicial magistrate here and furnished a personal bail bond of Rs.50,000 and a surety of Rs 50,000", Hastimal
Saraswat, counsel for Salman, told.
The same court had on Feb 17 handed down the prison term and a fine of Rs.5,000 for the poaching of the chinkara at Bhavad village in Jodhpur district in September 1998.
The court had then simultaneously given Salman a month to appeal the sentence.
"Judge B.K. Jain verified the receipt of the actor's personal bail bond and the surety and adjourned the hearing in another case of poaching a blackbuck to March 24 on
account of my sickness," Saraswat said.
Salman also produced the order of Jodhpur District and Sessions Judge Yashpal Choudhary staying the lower court's sentence till a decision on the appeal filed by the actor
March 10 was taken.
The district and sessions court has posted the matter for hearing April 12, Sarswat said.
Saturday, March 18, 2006 14:39 IST