
Miss Jamaica

Home > Miss Miss World 2006 > Miss Jamaica

Sara Lawrence

Age: 21
Occupation: Graduate
Height: 174

Sara was born in Kingston, Jamaica. A beautiful island with a lot more to it than just sun, sea and beautiful sandy beaches, Kingston is very much alive with a vibrant night life that is fuelled by indigenous reggae and dancehall music, it also has fine museums.

She has just completed a four-year academic scholarship at the Randolph-Macon College, Virginia, graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology with an emphasis on Pre-Medicine; her ambition is to qualify as a Medical Doctor specializing in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Sara comes from an academic family and has always been committed to her studies, but has always made time to be involved in school activities, acting as games captain for her house. In addition she is an avid dancer and has attended the ‘In Motion Dance School’. Sara enjoys lisenting to music and swimming. Favourite food is Jerked chicken.

Favourite motto is “Give to the world the best you can and the best will come back to you”.
