
Miss Brazil

Home > Miss Miss Earth 2006 > Miss Brazil

Anna Paula Quinot

Age: 24

Height: 5'7"

Measurements: 36-26-36

Gymnastics Teacher

Environmental Concern:
I would like to create a project to incentive people to construct natural holes to get natural water in houses, buildings etc. like water coming from the rains. It would be a natural way of getting water for the populations utilization, spending less money and preservating better the mother nature.

What makes you proud of your country:
I would promote the Brazilian people´s hospitality, which comes from several and different cultures (Portuguese, African, German, Italian and Indian, the native). I would also promote the diversity of climates we have in Brazil and also the different and interesting types of vegetation and forests, as well as rivers, beaches and mountains. I would love do divulgue that, besides having several ambient problems, we have big areas of preservated nature. Also, I would love to say that we have in Brazil many different kinds of rare animals and birds, still living in natural ambients. At the end, I would like to promote our very special culture´s caracteristics, like our musical rythms and delicious food.
