
Miss South Africa

Home > Miss Miss Earth 2006 > Miss South Africa

Nancy Dos Reis

Age: 21

Height: 5' 6"

Measurements: 33-25-36

Psychology Graduate

Environmental Concern:
To begin with resolving problems with the environment, it is important to acknowledge and consider the source of the dilemma. I imagine that education is the best guide to direct every individual on a mission to conserve and sustain the environment around us. We need to focus on projects to educate others so that they may have an understanding and be taught about the management of our wealth and natural resources used in the most sustainable way possible. With education, comes recognition and with that people are unable to shy away from environmental problems and not be ignorant and consequently becoming involved in solving the problem. It’s significant to realize that not every individual is aware of threatened species or land that is being destroyed; therefore they choose not to be responsible for it. To emphasize the importance of education is to emphasize the focus on our youth so that the coming generation may have a more profound impact. I think important projects need to be initiated by schools in association with many corporations so that children are conscious about how substantial their individual contribution to the environment is, no matter how little their contribution may seem at times, by either planting one tree, recycling, picking up litter etc. Television programs for children and adults need to highlight that charity begins at home and if everyone takes care of their immediate surrounding and minimizes their own individual resource use then together the actions of the community will make a difference. Projects created to be initiated at schools and be part of a subject that is taught, such as ‘life skill’ or even a separate recycling or tree planting project for the month would make a difference. Also if the media continues to repeatedly announce projects done and learning channels include environmental knowledge and enlightenment people will feel responsible and have a need to be involved. With the upliftment of our communities and empowerment of unfortunate people so will those individuals be enabled to act and take care of themselves and their environment. Through educational projects many concerns are voiced and it’s a beginning step for change as there is encouraged health and security.
I cannot highlight my gratitude and honour that I feel about representing a country like South Africa. The people of our country, young and old, have walked a long road of many changes and adjustment and come a long way from the era of discrimination and separation. Our country formerly known as one of apartheid, racism as well as sexism has been transformed into the most humbling and noble country with diverse people of many walks of life. When I think of representing South Africa I think of an endeavor to best stand for and symbolize the differences of people and the cosmopolitan cultures we live among. I, for example, was born in South Africa; my parents however, are from Madeira and Lisbon, establishing me of Portuguese decent. With that I have had to distinguish myself as a human being part of a greater South Africa filled with many different cultures, traditions, ways of life and different people of color; certainly a rainbow nation. Just as I am diverse and dynamic, so is my country energetic, high powered and lively. We all powerfully and rigorously are actively involved in respecting and recognizing those who are different, consequently being considerate. Just as I am growing and learning from all the experiences of life, so is my country proactive and has the most incredible ability to adjust and discover. There are not many countries in the world with as many different people who have learnt from an affair such as the apartheid era and come this far with unity in a short amount of time, now twelve years of democracy. Many countries still keep grudges. South Africa is like one world in one country. I am profusely proud of my country. We have eleven official languages. However, more significantly, we have the most respected man on earth; a humble, forgiving and blessed former president of South Africa, Mr. Nelson Mandela, better known as Madiba. With that, we also have the only road in the world, Vilikazi Street, once home to two Nobel peace prize winners, both Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu.

What makes you proud of your country:
What makes me so proud is that our places are just as diverse as the people who reside in South Africa. I would promote our cities, as our greenery is so vast and so beautiful. Our urban areas have more trees than any other city in the world. The city of Johannesburg has the largest urban forest in the world with six million trees across the city. We are also very fortunate as our tap water is safe to drink. Also, gold was discovered in 1886 of which forty percent of the world’s gold is found here. We have a featured place called Gold Reef City in Johannesburg which is a theme park that shows a little about our past and insight into our legendary Gold mining.
South Africa has beautiful sunny skies and the sun shines for twelve hours. There are also many picnic places home to many indigenous trees, even in the city. There has been thirty five new parks developed of which ninety percent are located in historically disadvantaged areas. Importantly, South Africa has the third largest biodiversity in the world and we also hosted the biggest ever conference on the continent, the World Summit for sustainable development in 2002.
Therefore my country will always remain dear to my heart and to represent such profoundness will be the most extraordinary and distinctive part of my life making it a memorable one.
