
Miss Bolivia

Home > Miss Miss Universe 2012 > Miss Bolivia

Yessica Mouton Gianella

Age: 24

Yessica Mounton lived in many cities throughout her home country of Bolivia. Her favorite way to spend time is with her big family. She also enjoys playing basketball and traveling. Currently, Yessica is studying Public Relations at the Universidad Nur in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in efforts to achieve her dream of being the CEO of her own PR firm.

In Her Own Words:
I think that our governors should work in giving better education and health conditions to people, so they can develop skilled labor and generate improvements in the entire economy.

If Yessica could meet anyone from the past, it would be Nelson Mandela.
Yessica buys something handmade from every place she visits.
The person who has most influenced Yessica's life is her mother.


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