Miss Colombia
Home > Miss Miss Universe 2012 > Miss Colombia
Age: 24
Daniella Álvarez Vasquez was born and raised in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. Her interests include environmentalism, learning languAges, music, and traveling.
Daniella's dream job is to become a famous TV anchor woman, or an Ambassador for Colombia. Daniella is proud to say that she has gotten to volunteer with more
than 65 charity foundations.
In Her Own Words:
You learn from experiences, good and bad, and these experiences mold you into who you are today.
Daniella has studied many folklore dances native to her home country of Colombia, including Pulla, Mapale, Cumbia, as well as the Cha Cha and Samba.
Daniella likes to wear yellow during special moments.
Daniella has gotten to participate in several PR conventions since she was 18.