
Miss Curacao

Home > Miss Miss Universe 2012 > Miss Curacao

Monifa Jansen

Age: 19

Monifa Jansen likes to broaden her knowledge of the world by traveling. At the moment she spends her days preparing herself for the Miss Universe pAgeant; this includes a lot of exercise. Monifa learned to play guitar from her father at a very young Age, and also indulges in other art forms such as playing the piano, singing, painting, and dancing. She's trained in ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and her nation's traditional dances such as the Waltz, Mazurka, Danza, Tumba and Tambú.

In Her Own Words:
I believe that if you want something done, you have to get out there and do it yourself. Be the example for others.

Monifa collects books, that she then donates to less fortunate children in schools.
Monifa has participated in numerous sports, and has run triathlons for the past 3 years.
Monifa's dream job is to become a Hollywood actress.


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