
Miss Haiti

Home > Miss Miss Universe 2012 > Miss Haiti

Christela Jacques

Age: 19

With a life heavily impacted by the 2012 earthquake, Christela Jacques has devoted much of her time volunteering with the national effort to rebuild Haiti. Her interests include creating fashion illustrations and singing, Her career ambition is to obtain a college degree in Tourism Administration once conditions in her home country improve.

In Her Own Words:
Although I have never been to Paris or New York, my fashion drawings allow me to channel my creativity in a world where art, drawing and body movement come together to illustrate a world of great style and beauty.

Christela loves to sing, and particularly enjoys singing R&B and soulful romantic songs.
Christela's most treasured possession is her family photo album which survived the earthquake.
Christela gained her knowledge of the English languAge by memorizing American pop songs.


Miss Haiti's Wallpapers

Miss Haiti's Gallery