
Miss Serbia

Home > Miss Miss Universe 2012 > Miss Serbia

Branislava Mandic

Age: 21

BIOBranislava Mandić grew up in a small villAge in Vojvodina, Čurug. She spent her childhood bonding with friends and having picnics with her family. She has a love for books, sports and baking. She is currently studying to become a teacher, but would also love to become a famous model as well.

In Her Own Words:
I have such a desire to learn, to see different cultures, people, customs, countries...I think that the only real value in life is to learn and see more.

Branislava trained in Karate for six years.
Branislava likes to collect scented candles and takes one wherever she travels.
If Branislava could meet any celebrity, it would be Cindy Crawford as she is a role model for models, mothers, and women all over.


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