
Miss Panama

Home > Miss Miss Universe 2004 > Miss Panama

Jessica Rodriguez Clark

Age: 22

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Height: 5'11"

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
I'ld have to say my godmother has influenced my life the most. Even though she lives in another country, she has always been there for me, through good times and bad times. I admire her strength, her outgoing and reasonable personality. She's also a good wife and mother.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you (aside from winning your title) and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
It was most interesting being named godmother of my baby cousin because it requires for you to be a spiritual and educational guide and role model for the child.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
I wish to obtain a Masters degree abroad, as a tool in my professional development. I would also like to work in a television station and one day own my own advertising company.

List any interesting or unsual jobs you may have had.
Banking institution focused on social causes.

Describe your childhood home and living conditions. Were you raised with a large family with lots of brothers and sisters?
I was raised in a lovely family, my mother and father and 3 sisters. We live in a very nice and comfortable house which we have kept together with lots of love and efforts.

What one word describes you best?


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