
Miss California

Home > Miss Miss Teen USA 2004 > Miss California

Stacey beltran

Age: 18

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5' 8"

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
The craziest thing I have ever done was when I was ten years old. My best friend wanted a haircut. Needless to say I knew nothing about cutting hair, but I did it anyway. I cut layers all over her hair. The final result was that it looked a little funny, and her mom was upset because we had school pictures that week!

Please list, starting with the latest, any schools and universities (public/private/graduate/trade or technical) you have or are attending, as well as the area of study, last date completed and any degree or certification you received.
Oxnard High School. 2004.
Accepted at California State University Fullerton, will be attending fall 2004.

Please list any Honors/Awards you have received in the past 2 years.
Who's Who Among American High School Students
English Student of the Year
Outstanding Business Student
Academic Certificate of Achievement
2003 National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine

What is the most interesting or surprising thing about you, or that has happened to you?
he most intersting thing about me is how easy it is for me to always make people laugh. The most surprising thing that has happened to me was being crowned Miss California Teen USA 2004.

Are you the oldest, youngest or a middle child and what does that mean to you?
I am the oldest child in my family. It means that I need to be a good role model for my younger brother. I have loved that role, and we are best friends.

Name one person, family, friend, celebrity, who has had the most influence on your life.
Mikel Beltran. Because he is my younger brother and because at the very young age of twelve he believes in himself and has so much determination and drive to follow his dreams.

What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years? Please provide the name of the charity, level of involvement.
Relay for Life Cancer Walk
American Heart Association Blood Drive


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