
Miss Florida

Home > Miss Miss Teen USA 2004 > Miss Florida

Anastagia Pierre

Age: 15

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 5' 9"

What is the craziest thing you have ever done.
The craziest thing i have ever done was at my sleep away camp during the summer. A few of my friends and I overheard some couselors talking about there being a shooting star coming that night. We figured seeing a shooting star is a once in a life time chance so we decided to sleep outside. We stayed awake for as long as we could but little did we know, there was a huge rain storm that was supposed to pass by. So, of course in the middle of the night when we're fast asleep, the storm comes. The looks on our faces when it started to rain were priceless. Even though we got soaked and never did see the shooting star it was so much fun.

Please list, starting with the latest, any schools and universities (public/private/graduate/trade or technical) you have or are attending, as well as the area of study, last date completed and any degree or certification you received.
Sagemont Upper School.

Please list any Honors/Awards you have received in the past 2 years.
Sudent Council Secretary
Varsity Cheerleading Captain
National College of Musicians Award
National Junior Honor Society
National Achievers Society

What is the most interesting or surprising thing about you, or that has happened to you.
My favorite subject in school is Biology and the most exciting thing about it is when we get to dissect. So far this year we dissected a frog and a cow's eyeball and soon we'll be dissecting a fetal pig.

Are you the oldest, youngest or a middle child and what does that mean to you.
I am the only child in my family. Although many people often make negative assumptions about only children, for me it has been a positive experience. I have learned to have a healthy relationship with myself and to not be afraid of being alone.

Name one person family, friend, celebrity, who has had the most influence on your life.
Rebecca Kirtman. Rebecca was tragically killed in a car accident in 2002. She was one of my very good friends, and we had known each other since we were young. Before she died she started a small project for school called "Becca's Closet." It is a charity to provide prom dresses to girls who can't afford them. Now, two years later, her small project has turned into a major organization that will soon go nationwide. She has taught me to never procrastinate because you never know when you won't be around anymore.

What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years.
Please provide the name of the charity, level of involvement.
Miami Children's Hospital: I volunteered time as part of my reign as the Junior Orange Bowl Queen.
Joe Dimaggio's Children Hospital: I participated in fundraisers and did many performances to benefit the hospital.
Becca's Closet: I dontated and encouraged other girls to donate prom dresses and accessories for underprivileged girls.
Relay for Life: I participated in a walkathon and volunteered time to hand out flyers and assisted in benefiting the American Cancer Association.


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