Miss Costa Rica
Shirley Calvo
Age:22Occupation: Student/Government Employee
Height: 173
Shirley grew up in a little town named Sabanilla, one of the highest places in Costa Rica. This town is located near the Poas Volcano which is the second largest crater in the world, it has great scenic beauty, and fertile soils. Shirley completed her Degree in Business Studies and is currently a government employee combining this with her studies in order to obtain her Master’s Degree in Business Administration and International Relations. She is also in charge of a project that is intended to protect the flora and fauna. In her spare time she enjoys reading and dance, especially tropical rhythms. Her motto is "The faith in action, is Love; The Love in actions , is Service.
Where did you grow up? Tell us a little about your home town/city, and family.
I grew up in a little town named Sapodilla, one of the highest places in Costa Rica. This town is located near the Poás Volcano, the second largest crater in the world. It is 4.356ft in diameter and 990 ft in depth. My town is a typical one of great scenic beauty and agriculture is the most important activity in this region due to its fertile soils. Tourism is also being developed in the last few years. Right now, I live with my parents and two sisters: Maureen and Veronica.
What Jobs have you done? What was the most interesting/bizarre?
I worked in a mobile shop for 3 years and since two years ago, I have been working in the National Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica. I feel so proud to be working for the government and it is an honour for me to serve my country.
What are your career ambitions, how do you plan to realise them?
I wish to get my master degree in Business Administration and International Relations. Besides that I am also in charge of ambiestalistic project that is intended to protect flora and fauna, especially those protected species. My main goal is to coordinate an agreement between government and people to preserve - in a period of 5 years - most of the protected and fragile areas of the country.
What is the proudest moment of your life? (Not including winning your National Title)
The proudest moment of my life was when I was born that day; God gave me the gift of life to fulfil my mission in this world making people smile by means of my actions.
What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
The most embarrassing moment was during a fashion show, when I was modelling I stumbled with another model, and we both fell on the floor.
What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
I have been proud since the moment I won the National Title because I became a Beauty Ambassador that represents my country. Moreover, the fact of changing my name to adopt Costa Rica’s name is the most significant moment in my life. All my life changes since I was elected MISS COSTA RICA WORLD. This achievement let me show the entire world how special, mystic and beautiful my country is and the courtesy and education of the TICOS.
Tell us about an interesting event you have attended, or a person that you have met.
I have met many people since I was elected, however, I had the opportunity to meet two important people who are Costa Ricans; Elected Secretary General of the O.E.A. and Ex-President of Costa Rica Dr. Miguel Angel Rodriguez Echeverría and the Costa Rican-American astronaut Dr. Franklin Chang Diaz. Those people really impress me and we have a characteristic in common: the commitment of representing Costa Rica to the world.
What would you like to do, if you became Miss World 2004?
If I become Miss World 2004, I would send the world a message of love and preservation of the environment. I would focus on the importance of preserving the natural resources. As a consequence, the future generation would enjoy a less contaminated world, pure air and biodiversity. Although human is beauty by itself, I would like to say that Earth, the place that God created for us, symbolizes real beauty. We must conserve our environment for the survival of human kind.
If you had a personal motto what would it be?
My personal motto for the world will be: "The faith in action, is Love; The Love in action, is Service."
Those words remind us to serve others without being compensated.
Give details of any charitable work undertaken?
Five months ago, an idea to find an institution for preserving the environment for children, came to our mind. This initiative originates due to the necessity to conserve a place for the children, where they may grow up in harmony with nature. At this moment, the project is being applied in my country but we plan to spread worldwide. Lately, we have been sponsored by the government and the private sector that expect the best from us. Our aim is to buy land, sow protected flora species, and introduce fauna species in the same condition. Then sustainable developments will be achieved in social benefits, such as housing, and the protection of the environment.
Nowadays, 24.73% of the Costa Rica’s forest is protected and it has favoured the creation of wildlife refuges.