
Miss Colombia

Home > Miss Miss Universe 2005 > Miss Colombia

Adriana Tarud Duran

Age: 22
Height: 5'9"
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown

Interests: One of my main interests is applying my acquired knowledge in Industrial Engineeering, especially in Supply Chain Management. I enjoy traveling because it gives me the opportunity to broaden my horizons. Columbia is home to many festivals and I enjoy participating with my family in as many of them as possible, especially Barranquilla's Carnival.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My grandfather, Argelino Duran Quintero, lead me to understand what truly matters in life and what it is worth. He was a man that always worked with love for Columbia.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you (aside from winning your title) and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
A 5 year old kid named Isaias David taught me many things about life in just one week. Last December while taking Christmas gifts to children with scarce economic resources, I met Isais David who unfortunately had advanced cancer. I immediately felt something very special about him so I start investigating in order to help him. After just one week, I received the awful news that he was no longer with us. He made me realize that everything in life has a reason to be.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My career ambition is to apply the knowledge that I have acquired throughout my studies, my personal and work experiences in expanding my family's business as well as other projects that I have in mind.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was raised in a spectular city called Barranquilla known as "La Puerta de Oro de Colombia", where everybody knows each other and where cultural values are emphasized and the traditions are maintained. I have always had the fortune of being surrounded by a large, loving family that has always been unconditional in every situation of my life; always having clear, structured values and morals present.

List any interesting or unsual jobs you may have had.
While I was a student, I worked at Perry Ellis International at the MIS Department. I acquired a lot of knowledge and interest in subjects in which I had never been involved before.
I also worked in the Telecommunications Department in the School of Law at the University of Miami performing tasks not related to my field of study.

What is your most unusual talent?
In my opinion every talent is unusual since each person gives a touch of authenticity to what they do. I have the ability to draw and although I have never had the opportunity to fully develope in this field, I do expect to study it in the near future.


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