
Pineapple Tarts Recipe


  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 450 gms Butter
  • 1 tsp Rose Water
  • 850 gms plain Flour
  • 1 tsp Baking powder

  • Filling
  • 2 ripe Pineapples
  • 1 bowl Sugar
  • A drop or two of yellow colouring


  1. Grate pineapples finely. Sieve and press out all the juice.
  2. Place the pressed pineapple filling into a pot over a stove over high heat. Do not burn filling. Keep stirring. Add in sugar and mix well.
  3. Lower the heat, add the yellow colouring and let the filling simmer for at least ½ hour. Stir regularly. Cool the filling.
  4. Preheat oven at 180 degrees Celsius.
  5. Beat the eggs, add it to butter, beat well for a few minutes.
  6. Mix in salt, baking powder, rose essence and flour. Mix well and knead till dough is even and smooth.
  7. Roll out dough to about ¼ cm thick. Make sure there's plenty of flour under the dough and on the rolling pin to help the whole process.
  8. Get a tart cutter and depress the cutter into dough. Move the cutter a little while the cutter is still in the dough and then remove the cutter.
  9. Slowly push the inner part of the cutter and remove the tart. Repeat the process.
  10. Put the cooled filling in and place the tarts on a baking tray.
  11. Bake in a hot oven of 180 degrees Celsius for half hour or till tarts are done.

Tip: When filling and frosting a cake, place first layer(s) with bottom side up; place last layer with the top side up.

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