Food and Drinks Quotes

  • Hunger is the best sauce in the world.
    ~ Miguel de Cervantes
  • I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
    ~ Frank Sinatra
  • You can find your way across this country using burger joints the way a navigator uses stars.
    ~ Charles Kuralt
  • Everything I eat has been proved by some doctor or other to be a deadly poison, and everything I don't eat has been proved to be indispensable for life. But I go marching on.
    ~ George Bernard Shaw
  • Keep as near as ever you can to the first sources of supply -fruits and vegetables.
    ~ B. W. Richardson
  • The breakfast slimes, angel food cake, doughnuts and coffee, white bread and gravy cannot build an enduring nation.
    ~ Martin H. Fischer
  • You can do a lot for your diet by eliminating foods that have mascots.
    ~ Ted Spiker
  • If we're not willing to settle for junk living, we certainly shouldn't settle for junk food.
    ~ Sally Edwards
  • It is, in my view, the duty of an apple to be crisp and crunchable, but a pear should have such a texture as leads to silent consumption.
    ~ Edward Bunyard
  • Preserve and treat food as you would your body, remembering that in time food will be your body.
    ~ B. W. Richardson