Health and Medical Trivia Adult and Non veg Restricted

  • 'Koro' is a disorder in which a male fears his penis will shrivel up, retract into his body, and will cause him to die.
  • Celebriphilia is the abnormally intense desire to have a romantic or sexual encounter with a celebrity.
  • Men with post-orgasmic illness syndrome are allergic to their own semen.
  • Sexual frustration describes the condition in which a person is in a state of stress or anxiety due to prolonged sexual inactivity.
  • "Esodophobia" is the fear of losing virginity.
  • Mastrophobia is the irrational fear of breasts.
  • "Koro" is a disorder in which a male fears his penis will shrivel up, retract into his body, and will cause him to die.
  • Studies suggest having one orgasm a day can add as much as 8 years to your life.
  • Cypridophobia is the fear of prostitutes.
  • Cold showers have better effects on hair and complexion -- Hot showers may overheat your organs and lower a man's sperm count.