Sperm is highly effective at treating wrinkles. Many anti-aging products are using materials similar to sperm because of how well it works. |
Studies have found that scratching your ankle can feel as good as sex and that the ankle is the most satisfying spot to scratch. |
In Bali, twins would often marry each other. It was assumed they had sex as foetuses. |
Daggering is a form of dance in Jamaica that incorporates sexual and other forms of frantic movement. It often features acrobatic stunts where one partner leaps from a height onto the other dance partner and then commences to engage in exaggerated simulated sexual intercourse. |
Penis enhancement surgery is free in Cuba. |
The world's most pierced man has 453 piercings - 278 of them are on his penis and testicles. |
'Infantilism' is the desire to wear diapers and be treated like a toddler for sexual pleasure. |
Oculolinctus is the process of licking someone's eyeball for sexual pleasure. |
Sperm cells actually have a sense of smell. |
During the 1700s, 20% of all women in London were prostitutes. |