Food and Drinks Trivia

  • Beer was often served with breakfast in medieval England.
  • The year on a bottle of wine indicates when the grapes were picked; not when the wine was bottled.
  • An average drinker suffers 8 to 12 hangovers per year.
  • "Melon Meter", a $1.99 Apple-device app from Let There Be Light Innovations, analyzes the sound a watermelon makes when you place your smartphone on top of it while tapping the fruit with your knuckle, and decides if the fruit is ready to eat.
  • Strawberries aren't actually berries, but bananas, avocados, pumpkins and watermelons are!
  • Automatic ice makers make crescent-shaped ice since it's the ice shape that's least likely to stick when being deposited.
  • Root beer comes from desert yucca sap which was originally used by Native Americans for soap.
  • The nutmeg tree produces 2 spices. Nutmeg from the nut kernel and mace comes from the kernel's lacy covering.
  • McDonald's uses sodium phosphate, a laxative, in their creamer.
  • Lobsters have rubber bands on their claws to prevent them from eating each other!