Interesting Trivia

  • PETA once offered $15K to the town of Hamburg to change its name to Veggieburg!
  • Most people experience the cross-race effect - Members of one race have difficulty differentiating between members of another.
  • Painting roofs white can help lower the temperature of a city and reduce global warming.
  • Farts are actually flammable.
  • Samoa Air became the world's first airline to introduce a pricing policy which charges passengers by body weight.
  • Babies that are 4-6 months old naturally know how to swim. This instinct disappears after that time and they need to be re-taught.
  • It's possible for someone to feel addicted to love. Sniffing cocaine and being madly in love affect the same areas of the brain.
  • The Cosmos Atrosanguineus is a type of flower that smells like chocolate.
  • On an average, people buy 40% more when they shop clockwise as opposed to counterclockwise!
  • In Ancient Rome, people who wished to commit suicide would apply to the Senate and, if approved, were given free poison.