With just four days before Muzaffarnagar goes to polls, Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav is expected to visit the riot-hit area, seven month after the communal violence. This would be the first visit of the SP supremo since the riots broke out in September 2013. More than 40 persons were killed and over 40,000 displaced in communal violence that broke out in Muzaffarnagar and adjoining areas. |
A week before the country goes for elections, public sector oil companies reduced petrol prices by 75p/litre. |
If Lok Sabha elections were to be held today, Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party will emerge as the front-runner, according to ABP News-Nielsen National Poll.The Opinion Poll has found that NDA is set to win 233 seats in the 543-seat parliament while the incumbent UPA-II government is projected to win mere 119 seats. |
Former Janata Dal (United) spokesperson Sabir Ali, who was expelled on Monday by the party for praising BJP`s prime ministerial nominee Narendra Modi, has joined the BJP at the party headquarters. He said he joined the party to fight against corruption, inflation and appeasement. |