Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar made clear his prime ministerial ambitions for the first time on Thursday, saying he had better credentials for the top job than those "roaming around" as PM candidates. |
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal on Friday dismissed Narendra Modi`s repeated claims of Gujarat`s development and said that he will head to the Chief Minister`s residence to meet him with a list of 16 questions. |
The Delhi police on Wednesday registered an FIR against Aam Aadmi Party leaders Ashutosh and Shazia Ilmi for illegally gathering outside the BJP headquarters last evening. 200 odd AAP workers led by Ashutosh and Shazia Ilmi attacked BJP headquarters in New Delhi. |
So, Subrata Roy finally in Tihar Jail! Once a businessman, always a businessman - maybe this incident presents a new opportunity for giving the renowned Sahara sponsorship to the `Stripes` |