Kiran Bedi has condemned Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for sitting on a dharna outside Rail Bhavan, and said, "He (Kejriwal) has remained an agitator, when he should have been an administrator. I think the habit of agitating hasn`t finished in them. They think that a solution to a problem can only be derived by staging a protest." |
Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi made a blistering attack on BJP saying it believed in lighting fires of communal hatred and turning people against one another. |
With Congress party vice president Rahul Gandhi making a strong pitch for raising the LPG cap, Oil Minister M Veerappa Moily said the quota of subsidised cooking cylinders will be hiked to 12 from 9 per household. |
The Haryana government has reportedly ordered an inquiry by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) against suspended IAS officer Ashok Khemka for awarding a contract to a company in Gujarat worth eight crore rupees. |