Home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde on Friday said a security cover is being provided to Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal without his knowledge and despite his repeated rejection for it. |
Seventeen Uttar Pradesh ministers and MLAs have gone on an 18-day `study tour` of the UK, Turkey, the Netherlands, Greece and the UAE led by Azam Khan at the expense of the state exchequer. |
Upset over growing public disenchantment towards party`s vice-president Rahul Gandhi, the Congress has reportedly hired two PR agencies to shine its leader`s image as well as his political fortunes. According to sources, the ruling party has paid a hefty some of Rs 500 crore totwo Japanies PR firm for this purpose.Congress has asked Japanese PR firm for Rahul Gandhi makeover |
An arctic blast eased its grip on much of the eastern US on Wednesday, with winds calming and the weather warming slightly a day after temperature records - some more than a century old - shattered. |