Tarun Tejpal, the 50-year-old founder of Tehelka news magazine is likely to be arrested soon, said the Goa Police. They said that a letter of apology emailed by Mr Tejpal to the young journalist he allegedly sexually assaulted, had given them new evidence.
  • Self Judgement!

    Self Judgement!
    The Aam Aadmi Party gave a clean chit to its candidate caught in the sting, owing to the failure to be provided the raw tapes for investigation.Founder-editor of Tehelka Tarun Tejpal is in the news for molesting a young journalist working for the magazine. In response, Tejpal has stepped down as editor - but only for six months.
  • Sting Operation hits AAP!

    Sting Operation hits AAP!
    The sting footage shows Aam Aadmi Party candidate from RK Puram Shazia Ilmi being asked by a reporter who wanted the party to campaign against a company. When asked by the AAP leader about a documentary evidence, the journalist offered to pay money.
  • SC on P**nography Ban

    SC on P**nography Ban
    The Supreme Court today asked the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) to spell out ways and means to block websites with x-rated content in India, particularly those featuring child p**nography