
Miss Delaware

Home > Miss Miss America 2007 > Miss Delaware

Jamie Ginn

What is your hometown like?
Wilmington has the great qualities of a metropolitan city but has the atmosphere of a small suburban town. My favorite place to visit in Wilmington is our beautiful Riverfront with great restaurants and tax-free shopping outlets.

What were you like when you were a child?
I was always creative and loved performing in front of an audience. By the age of 2, I was a big sister, and now I am the oldest of six.

Who is the most influential person in your life?
My dad. He is the most giving, intelligent and wise man in my life, and most importantly, he is a great father.

What is one thing about you that people you meet may not immediately realize?
I am a practicing chemical engineer who researches alternative fuels and the environment. More importantly, I received my degree in engineering with a full-tuition scholarship through the Miss America Organization.

What was one defining moment in your life?
One defining moment in my life was going skydiving for Crohn's Disease awareness. I am so proud that I had the guts to jump from 10,000 feet!

What was one defining moment in your life?
My family and friends will always be there for me, no matter how far my travels take me or where my life turns. They are my inspiration and always keep me grounded.

What was one defining moment in your life?
Miss America must become a national celebrity, which I will achieve by joining with an esteemed group of famous actors, athletes and dignitaries through the Celebrities Organization of the CCFA. As Miss America, I will help make advancements in Crohn's disease and colitis legislature, improve the quality of life of those affected by chronic disease and promote Miss America as an approachable, intelligent, successful young woman to audiences of all age groups.
