
Miss Indiana

Home > Miss Miss America 2007 > Miss Indiana

Betsy Uschkrat

What is your hometown like?
Bloomington is a fun college town with diverse cultural appreciation and numerous community-minded organizations.

What were you like when you were a child?
I always loved music. Singing along to Whitney Houston while standing on the coffee table was one of my favorite past times since the age of 2!

Who is the most influential person in your life?
My parents are the most influential people in my life. I cannot choose between them! They continue to teach me how to love thy neighbor and to always do the best that I can.

What is one thing about you that people you meet may not immediately realize?
Although I love to socialize with my friends often, I also treasure my private time to be by myself. This is when I like to journal, sing, pray, read and reorganize my office.

What was one defining moment in your life?
The opening night of singing Juliette -- my first title operatic role, first foreign language role and first performance of my graduate degree at Indiana University. I was very scared on the night of my first dress rehearsal, but by the opening night, I felt like my dreams were coming true.

What was one defining moment in your life?
Be yourself and have fun.

What was one defining moment in your life?
Raise funds and awareness for hunger in America, increase Miss America's notoriety in 2007 American culture and share my love of music with millions.
