
Miss West Virginia

Home > Miss Miss America 2007 > Miss West Virginia

Tiffany Lawrence

What is your hometown like?
Shepherdstown, WV is the oldest unincorporated town in West Virginia and its history is truly what makes it so unique. A small college town, it is known for James Rumsey building and launching the first steam boat on the Potomac River. On any given day you can smell the sweet aroma of fresh pepperoni rolls from our world renowned sweet shop, purchase some fresh vegetables from the farmer's market, or stop and shop at any one of our specialty boutiques. However, it is the sense of family, faith, and community that gives it its' warm appeal. To me, it is truly small town America with a more contemporary and urban flair.

What were you like when you were a child?
As a child I was full of energy and very creative. I was constantly getting into everything and was curious about the world around me. Not much has changed!

Who is the most influential person in your life?
My mom has and always will be the most influential person in my life. Together we have and will continue to accomplish great feats together.

What is one thing about you that people you meet may not immediately realize?
At first glance, people may think I am a proper or more reserved person, however once they get to know me, they quickly understand that I am a person that loves to laugh and get her hands dirty. I love to be outdoors and partake in all that life has to offer. No task is ever too much for me to handle.

What was one defining moment in your life?
When I was about sixteen, my grandmother (and best friend) passed away from a series of things stemming from an earlier stroke. At the same time my father underwent open heart-surgery. My mom and I held strong and my dad came out alright with a little rehabilitation. However, many nights and weeks were spent in and out of hospitals. This experience truly taught me the importance of friends and family. I now take a healthy approach to living and try to cherish every moment I spend with loved ones. I also learned that my family and I can get through anything TOGETHER.

What was one defining moment in your life?
I have learned the true meaning of perseverance and heart. My platform has been exemplified to the highest degree.

What was one defining moment in your life?
The position of Miss America, including the crown, title, and job, would give me a voice to reach out and truly touch the lives of others around our nation. I have done so on a local, state, and national level thus far, but there are so many more Americans with which I would like to share my message of the true power of positive self-esteem. I look forward to sharing my enthusiasm for this self evaluation and education while sharing my own personal story of overcoming low self-esteem as a young child. Because low self-esteem is connected with poor academic achievement, alcohol and drug abuse, crime and violence, depression and suicide, eating disorders, negative interpersonal relationships, and teenage pregnancy it is vital to educate all citizens about the ways to improve their own self images. I would also make it my mission to help the Miss America Organization grow and would spend my year dispelling the sometimes negative myths associated with pageants while restoring and marketing the Miss America name, making it relevant to today's generation while shedding light on the positives the program offers.
