
Miss Hawaii

Home > Miss Miss Teen USA 2004 > Miss Hawaii

Sonya Balmores

Age: 18

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5' 5"

What is the craziest thing you have ever done.
I went parasailing in Tahiti. The parasail took me up so high I could barely hear the boat's motor. I was scared because I'm afraid of heights, but the view of the mountains and the ocean made it worth it.

Please list, starting with the latest, any schools and universities (public/private/graduate/trade or technical) you have or are attending, as well as the area of study, last date completed and any degree or certification you received.
Kauai High School. 2004.

Please list any Honors/Awards you have received in the past 2 years.
Principal's List
Honor Roll
Editor's Honorary Award (Yearbook)
Journalist Honorary Award (Yearbook)
Outstanding Layout (Yearbook)
Outstanding Achievement Award (Yearbook)
Outstanding Graphic Design (Yearbook)

What is the most interesting or surprising thing about you, or that has happened to you.
The most interesting thing that has happened to me recently was my recent trip to the Bahamas in June. I was booked to do a photo shoot down there, and the best part was that I flew and worked with my best friend who is also a model.

Are you the oldest, youngest or a middle child and what does that mean to you.
I am the third oldest out of six. To me this means that I have to be a great example for my younger siblings and show them lots of love so that they will grow up feeling loved and supported just like how I've been raised.

Name one person family, friend, celebrity, who has had the most influence on your life.
Lila Metzger, my older sister. Her faith in Jesus Christ and the way she lives her life have influenced me to grow closer to God and to deepen my relationship with Jesus. I admire her career as a model and the relationships she has kept with people along the way. She's fun, smart, strong, funny, talented, and beautiful, all of which I would like to be one day.

What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years.
Please provide the name of the charity, level of involvement.
Compassion International: I sponsor a child in El Salvador with a monthly money donation.


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