
Miss Barbados

Home > Miss Miss World 2004 > Miss Barbados

Kennifer Marius

Occupation: Beauty Therapist

Kennifer lives in Christ Church with her family and having completed her high school education, took courses in small business management, massage & spa therapy, nail technology and is currently working as a Beauty Therapist. Her ambition is to qualify as a Reflexologist. When not working Kennifer enjoys Latin Dancing, listening to music, volleyball and swimming. For the past 3 years she has been a swimming instructor for young children and with the local health team visits the nursing homes to give therapeutic massages to the elderly. Personal motto is: "Success is not a Destination. It’s a Journey".

Where did you grow up? Tell us a little about your home town/city, and family.
I grew up in a small village called Leighton Road, where everyone was kind and warm. I am from a family of five. (Mum, Dad, brother Junior and sister Sophia and I am the youngest) Where I lived was full of excitement and near to our capital Bridgetown, where my family owned a variety shop.

What Jobs have you done? What was the most interesting/bizarre?
I worked as a Sales Clerk Customer Rep, Receptionist and Beauty Therapist. As a receptionist, customers would call to enquire about services and further embark into talking about their personal lives and seeking advice. I found this quite entertaining.

What are your career ambitions, how do you plan to realise them?
My ambition is to become a Certified Reflexologist. I am currently the owner of the Personal Touch Spa and I have completed courses in Business Management. Having just received a 2-year scholarship in Reflexology and Reiki, which starts in 2005, I will be closer to accomplishing my goal.

What is the proudest moment of your life? (Not including winning your National Title)
This would be when I was approached by a teenaged mother who felt that I would be a positive role model and asked me to be the godmother of her unborn child. This made me proud, because as a young woman I did not know that I could have such a positive effect on the lives of others.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
In St Maarten playing Mas in My National Costume. Tourists were three storeys high waving down at me. I looked up and started waving and the weight of my costume made me fall backwards breaking the costume in two and giving me a sore behind for a week.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
I am now more recognised and I have gained the respect of policy makers in Barbados. They have given me the platform to have my opinions heard and I am now able to make a difference.

Tell us about an interesting event you have attended, or a person that you have met.
The day that I met Mr Vic Brewster changed my life. He is not only a National Icon, but respected throughout the Caribbean. Regarded as the first Television and Radio Producer, it was through his guidance that I was trained and now can consider myself a confident Public Speaker.

What would you like to do, if you became Miss World 2004?
I would continue to carry the mantle that highlights "Beauty with a Purpose". Raising funds for under privileged children in third world countries would be my main priority. As more Educational workshops are conducted. Educating the public on the rights of the child.

If you had a personal motto what would it be?
Success is not a destination - It is a journey.

Give details of any charitable work undertaken?
I started a Health Team and we go to Nursing homes and give Therapeutic massages and also foot and hand therapies to the elderly. Books were purchased.


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