On Tuesday, November 7, Swift posted a behind-the-scenes look at these Secret Sessions and it`s filled with adorable candid clips of fans freaking out about her new release. The crunchy opening notes to "...Ready For It?" offer a hefty reveal to a fan claim, "This is like, the best day of my entire life," after Swift welcomed a hoard of screaming fans to the Sessions.
"Everything about this album is a secret," Swift noted as she danced in an armchair while playing her new tracks off her iPhone to a seated crowd of fans at her feet.
"It`s so different, but to her," one fan exclaimed, adding, "I am so excited to blast it in my car every single day once it comes out." Another fan added, "The new tunes are phenomenal. I think Taylor overall, whether it be her music or right now is living her best, unapologetically honest life."
Here`s the video which was shared by Taylor Swift: