The actor also enjoyed sharing the screen with actor Liam Neeson. `Well I love Liam, he is tall and handsome and kind and funny and annoyingly professional. He cares about the little people on set, he is really just everything that you could imagine him to be. He approaches his work with an ease and fluidity and naturalism that is really inspiring to be around, He can go in and out of character completely seamlessly. He's not the kind of a person who needs 30 seconds before the camera rolls he can really find his way in very quickly. So it's really fun to play with him, he's incredibly connected when you're in a scene with him and he'll play off whatever you do and you'll play off of him. So he's really fun to be in a scene with. It feels very organic and obviously I've been such an admirer of his work for so long that I was really looking forward to doing the scenes with him,` she says.
Where Moland is concerned, Rossum liked working with him too. `It's fun to work on things with Hans. He has a peculiar sense of humour like I do, a little dark. So, it's fun to play with the calibrations of the character together,` he says.
Director Hans Petter Moland's Cold Pursuit starring Liam Neeson,Tom Bateman, Tom Jackson, Emmy Rossum, Domenick Lombardozzi, Julia Jones and John Doman to release on 8th February in India by PVR PICTURES.