`The Politician` stars Ben Platt as Payton Hobart, a wealthy Santa-Barbarian teen who harbors a singular ambition of becoming the president of the United States. He is cold, cunning, and cocky and entertainingly devious in the pursuit of this dream. However, before he can run for the office of the country`s president, he would need to start somewhere. And what could be a perfect starting point if not the Student Body President for your high school?
Payton Hobart, in an ultimate act off false modesty, picks Infinity Jackson (Zoey Deutch) a cancer patient to be his running mate. It is not an easy ride though as he clashes with equally scheming opposition in the face of Astrid (Lucy Boynton), hell-bent on destroying him. Among many methods, assassination is suggested and we are made aware of potential crime in a game of politics gone off-the-rails.
`The Politician` stars Ben Platt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Lang, Zoey Deutch, Lucy Boynton, Laura Dreyfuss, and Bob Balaban. Created by Ryan Murphy for Netflix, the series will premiere on September 27 this year.