The Bahasa language remake is patterned on its American parent show, which will follow a group of four estranged undergrad students whose group falls apart after their former leader disappears. The girls, however, get back together when they begin to get text messages from a mysterious figure who calls itself 'A'.
The remake cast is headlined by Anya Geraldine as Hanna, Eyka Farhana as Ema, Valerie Thomas as Sabrina, Shindy Huang as Aria, and Yuki Kato as Alissa. The show will be directed by Emil Heradi (The Night Bus).
'Pretty Little Liars' created by I.Marlene King, starred Troian Bellisario, Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson, and Shea Mitchell as the infamous quartet and ran for seven seasons. It has also lead to a spin-off 'The Perfectionists' which premiered on March 20, 2019.