The cast of the show "Breaking Bad" showed up for the premiere of "El Camino" movie. The premiere was held at the Regency Village Theatre on Monday, where actor Aaron Paul spoke with the media about meeting his former colleagues and friends after a long time.
Speaking on the show's brilliance, Paul said, "What Vince and the rest of the writers did with 'Breaking Bad' was pitch-perfect. I think they really nailed the landing with the ending. If you trust Vince, then you'll trust him with this film. And I think what he does with this film is also pitch-perfect. It's an honest next chapter in this guy's life and I think he did a beautiful job with it."
Vince Gilligan, the creator of "Breaking Bad" who also wrote and directed "El Camino," said that other characters from the "Breaking Bad" universe always can have their own stories, as much as he would like to move on to do something different.
Written and directed by Vince Gilligan, 'El Camino' will pick up after the Breaking Bad finale 'Felina' which will find Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) pursuing freedom after escaping from his captors while being hunted by law enforcement officers. Charles Baker and Matt Jones star alongside Paul as Skinny Pete and Badger in addition to Jonathan Banks, Larry Hankin, Franc Ross. The movie will be released on Netflix on October 11, 2019.