Based on the novel by H.G Wells and a reboot of 1993 on-screen adaptation, "The Invisible Man" is the story of Cecilia (Elizabeth Moss), who to tries to rebuild her life after leaving Griffin, (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) her abusive ex-boyfriend. However, her sense of reality is put into question when she begins to suspect her former boyfriend is not actually dead as she had thought.
"The Invisible Man" is written and directed by Leigh Whannel, with Jason Blum and Kylie du Fresne producing. The movie stars Elizabeth Moss, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Storm Reid, Aldis Hodge, Harriet Dyer, Benedict Hardie, Amali Golden, Sam Smith, Anthony Brandon Wong, Zara Michaels, and Bianca Pomponio.
The movie has a theatrical release date of February 28, 2020.