Anil D. Ambani led Reliance Entertainment is all set to release DreamWorks Pictures’ ‘1917’ on January 17, 2020, in India. The film is directed by Sam Mendes, the Oscar-winning director of 'Skyfall', 'Spectre' and 'American Beauty'.
‘1917’ tells the story of two young British soldiers at the height of the war starring George MacKay as Lance Corporal Schofield and Dean-Charles Chapman as Lance Corporal Blake who are given a seemingly impossible task to deliver a message deep in the heart of enemy territory that, if successful, would potentially save the lives of 1,600 British soldiers. For Blake, the assignment is deeply personal; his brother is one of the 1,600 men who will die if they fail. “I was always fascinated by the Great War, perhaps because my grandfather told me about it when I was very young, and perhaps also because at that stage of my life, I’m not sure I’d even registered the concept of war before,” Mendes says. “Our film is fiction, but certain scenes and aspects of it are drawn from stories he told me, and the ones told to him by his fellow soldiers. This simple kernel of an idea—of a single man carrying a message from one place to another—stayed with me and became the starting point for '1917'.”
'1917' is nominated in 3 categories, including Best Picture and Best Director, at the Golden Globe Awards 2020. The film was also nominated for Critics' Choice Awards, Art Directors Guild Awards, Satellite Awards, Seattle Film Critics Society, St. Louis Film Critics Association, Detroit Film Critics Society, San Diego and has also been recognized by several groups as one of the best films of the year.
'1917' has also won several awards in different categories at Art Directors Guild Awards, National Board of Review, Philadelphia Film Critics Circle and San Diego Film Critics Society.
DreamWorks Pictures and Reliance Entertainment present, in association with New Republic Pictures, a Neal Street production, produced in association with Mogambo, a Sam Mendes film: 1917, starring George MacKay, Dean-Charles Chapman, with Colin Firth and Benedict Cumberbatch. '1917' is directed by Sam Mendes. A Reliance Entertainment release in India, the film will hit the big screens on January 17, 2020.